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Top 7 Technology Trends For 2022, According To Over 50 Experts

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marnie Python Developer | Actively looking for new opportunities
Jan 17, 2022 ‧ 4 min read

The world is changing because of the rapidly growing technology. AI is taking over a lot of human activities and has made a lot of tasks much easier to handle now. But there are many other technology trends that are changing our lives, the way businesses work, and the entire software industry. Let’s see the top 7 technology trends for 2022, as discussed by the world’s top tech experts. 

 1. Artificial Intelligence-Driven Applications  

Artificial Intelligence is the process of designing systems that act and interact like humans. At its simplest, it is a computer system capable of performing tasks in a way that is indistinguishable from a human being. For instance, robots are artificial intelligence driven machines which replace human beings in their functions. 

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. A computer system imitates human intelligence by executing tasks on its own without requiring human guidance, some examples of which are: 

- recognizing and understanding patterns in natural language text, 

- acquiring knowledge through self-learning, and 

- planning and making decisions based on incomplete information. 

 2. Big Data 

Big Data is continuously changing our lives in ways that are still unknown. Let’s see the impact of Big Data on various fields and how it is shaping them. 

Big data has made more industries better, and even revolutionized some. It has also created some new jobs and created a new space for AI writers to work within the industry. 

Big data has changed the way we live our daily lives, making our lives more efficient and easier in many different ways. It has also helped create new job opportunities for people with an interest or skill set in this field. Big Data provides a huge opportunity for AI writers because of its need to produce not only text-based content but audio-visual content as well as other media such as images and videos. 

 3. Cloud-Based Models 

Cloud-based models are an imperative requirement for organizations to achieve their digital transformation goals. 

Cloud technology is the foundation of many modern systems, with over 90% of all computing traffic being processed by cloud-based systems. 

Cloud is the new backbone for today’s digital economy, and IT departments are leveraging it to transform their operations and increase efficiency. 

Most organizations have cloud models in place but are still experiencing challenges such as a lack of network security, security breach, and data loss. Cloud-based models can be used to solve these issues. 

 4.SaaS & PaaS 

SaaS & PaaS are a business model that provide a service to their customers. SaaS is software as a service and PaaS is platform as a service. 

PaaS is simpler than SaaS because it requires less technical knowledge to use it and can be scaled much more easily. 

If you are looking for the next big thing in cloud computing, then look no further than Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). According to Gartner Inc., the market for PaaS will reach $24 billion by 2022. 

What makes Products as a Service (PAS) attractive is that they provide their products as-a-service to their customers, which allows them to focus on other aspects of the business while maintaining high customer satisfaction levels. 

 5. Spring Framework 

Spring Framework is an open-source Java framework that allows developers to build applications, web services, and integration layers with ease. 

Spring Framework makes it easy for developers to get started using its features such as Dependency Injection, Jacking Bean Integration (JBI), Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), and more. 

Spring Framework is an application framework that provides a range of capabilities including the following: 

- Application configuration through XML or annotations 

- Spring IoC container 

- Spring AOP 

- Spring beans support 

- MVC architecture support 

 6. Microservices 

Microservices are a real-time software architecture pattern where the software is divided into small, modular services. These services communicate with each other via some form of messaging system. They share data and logic through these messages and in turn, can be deployed independently on different machines. 

Microservices are gaining popularity because they provide scalability and agility, and they minimize complexity by limiting the number of interactions between components. 

 7. Remote Access Solutions  

Remote Access Solutions connect remote workers with their colleagues, managers, and clients. Remote access solutions have become popular in recent years as the workforce has become increasingly mobile. The ability to work from anywhere is attractive to a lot of people. However, this flexibility comes with a price. Remote workers are at risk of higher rates of mental illness and lower productivity than their co-workers who are based in the office. 

Some companies use these remote access solutions to facilitate collaboration among employees working remotely which can lead to increased productivity and reduced costs. 

Posted on Jan 17, 2022 by:
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Python Developer | Actively looking for new opportunities
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Python Developer | Actively looking for new opportunities

AnsibleDockerSQLJenkinsFlywayAmazon S3 +2