SQL performance Optimization tuning part1

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Ansam Work as data engineer , experienced in data analyst and DWH
Feb 04, 2023 ‧ 1 min read
Series (1 Parts): SQL Performance Tuning

SQL performance tuning involves analyzing and optimizing various components of a SQL query in order to make it execute as quickly and efficiently as possible. Some of the key areas that can be optimized include:

  1. Query structure: This includes things like using proper joins, filtering data early in the query, and avoiding unnecessary subqueries.
  2. Indexing: Indexes can be created on columns that are frequently searched or sorted on in order to speed up those operations.
  3. Database configuration: This includes things like adjusting memory and buffer pool settings, adjusting the settings of the query optimizer, and configuring the database to use the appropriate storage engine.
  4. Partitioning: Partitioning large tables can improve query performance by allowing the database to only scan the partitions that are relevant to a given query.
  5. Caching: Caching query results can improve performance by reducing the need to repeatedly run the same query.
  6. Data distribution: Data should be distributed evenly across the storage devices to reduce contention and increase performance.
Posted on Feb 04, 2023 by:
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Work as data engineer , experienced in data analyst and DWH
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Work as data engineer , experienced in data analyst and DWH

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