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Salesforce Collaborative Forecast Concepts: Adjustments

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Sforce I am an experienced Salesforce Developer and Data Analyst.
Jan 20, 2023 ‧ 2 min read

John was a forecast manager in the sales department of a large company. His job was to monitor and manage the forecasts made by his subordinates, as well as make adjustments to them when necessary. He had been working there for many years and prided himself on his ability to accurately predict future revenue.

Today, however, he faced an unprecedented challenge: one of his subordinates had made a forecast that seemed wildly off base. After doing some research into the underlying data points behind the projection, John realized that it wasn’t wrong – but rather incomplete. He decided that what needed to be done was an adjustment to the forecast – one which would add detail without changing its gross rollup figure.

John worked with his team over several weeks to refine their projections until they were confident in their adjusted result. Finally satisfied with their work, John shared it with other members of Salesforce who had been given View & Edit access so that they could also make further adjustments if needed.

In this way, John and his team were able to create an accurate picture of expected revenue for their period without compromising any details or accuracy along the way. Although adjusting forecasts is never easy – especially under such tight deadlines – John felt proud knowing that he had helped improve forecasting accuracy at his company through careful analysis and collaboration!


Adjustments are judgments about the expected revenue of a forecast at the end of its period. Forecast managers and sales reps can make adjustments to their own or other's forecasts. Adjustments don't change gross rollup, but add detail to it.

Key Highlights :

•Adjustments are judgments about the expected revenue of a forecast at the end of its period.

• Forecast managers and sales reps can make adjustments to their own or other's forecasts.

• Adjustments don't change gross rollup, but add detail to it.

• Forecast managers can adjust Commit and Best Case forecasts for themselves as well as subordinates one level below them in hierarchy; they have view access to all subordinate levels' adjustments too which will be included in their own forecast summary.

Posted on Jan 20, 2023 by:
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I am an experienced Salesforce Developer and Data Analyst.
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I am an experienced Salesforce Developer and Data Analyst.

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