Python- Powerful Programming Language

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brandon pointer Data Visualizer
Jan 05, 2022 ‧ 2 min read

Python is a high-level programming language that is often referred to as the “programming language of choice” for advanced programmers because of its power, flexibility, and clarity. It has been around for almost 20 years and has spawned a thriving community of users and developers. 

Compared to other programming languages Python is considered a highly productive language. It has code readability, English-like commands and the programming syntax is also very simple. Python is free to use for the beginners. On top of it, Python has plenty of packages, a large ecosystem of libraries and it is highly interactive in data analyzing and data processing. Therefore, developers are who wants to begin their career in programming, also who are experts in programming and want to scale up their skills are prefer python a lot.  

Python in Data Analysis 

Data analysis is the practice of using data to gain insight or to make decisions. There are several methods available to analyze data including descriptive, inferential, and causal analysis. Descriptive analysis includes counting, sorting, tabulating, and ranking data. Inferential analysis is based on correlations and statistical tests. Here, in order to manage these programs in a constructive manner an high level programming language is required. Although Python is ranked as the most powerful language, hence it is also suited for data analytical purposes.  

Python is providing, a plethora of different visualization options. The programming language have libraries and packages related to data science. It helps in data mining, data processing, and modeling. Not only Python can do data visualization, but it can also work in data management processes. As per the reports, python has library support that can enhance data analytics like 

  • Numerical computing 
  • Statistical analysis 
  • Visualization 
  • Machine Learning 
  • Element wise operations, etc. 

By all means, python can track data of weather to predict upcoming rainfalls, predict monsoons, estimate the strength of a tornado, so on and so forth.  

Because it's a great programming language. It has almost no syntax errors; it has fast execution speed; it has very clear and concise semantics; and, it has an enormous standard library. Python has been described as being "only syntactically ugly;" and, as having a "beautiful simplicity." And, the combination of these three factors has caused it to become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Python is an excellent scripting language. It is easy to learn, very powerful, very fast, and very extensible. Python has been used in many large projects and is regarded as an ideal glue language for connecting modules written in other languages. 

Posted on Jan 05, 2022 by:
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brandon pointer
Data Visualizer


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Data Visualizer
