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Pitfalls To Avoid Learning Programming

Profile image for Arinze Calistus
Arinze Calistus Front-end Developer | tech Blogger
Aug 29, 2022 ‧ 3 min read
Series (1 Parts): Web Dev Tricks

The following are some of the pitfalls  that you should avoid  when learning how to program. You might have heard some of them already, but not to worry, the rest is an addition.

LET'S GO!!🏃🏽‍♂️👟

4. Comparing Yourself To Others

It is practically impossible to put yourself in the same position with someone farther along in their coding journey or have more experience than you. This is basically a recipe for depression and frustration.


Only compare yourself to your past self. Have your abilities and knowledge improved from where your were last week, last month, or last year? Be proud of the progress that you've made so far!

3. Physical Distractions

Physical distractions are distractions from your environment, like a TV in the background or other people talking. These distractions can be just as damaging to your focus as digital distractions.


Find a quite place to study where you can go to focus in your home. If that's not an option, you can use noise cancelling headphones to block out noisy distractions in your environment.

2. Not Taking Breaks

As you get into the material, you may feel compelled to continually study for long periods of time. It might seem like you are getting more work done at fight, but this often leads to burn out, which consequently results in lower productivity.


What to do during your break all depends on you, I can name a few:

  • Listen to Music
  • Journal
  • Doodle
  • Meditate
  • Play a quick game
  • Go for a short walk outside

1. Procrastination

Procrastination will be your biggest enemy when trying to make progress.


The Pomodoro Technique is a way of managing your  time in order to stay focused. The idea is to set  a timer for 25 minutes and to work on a task until the timer goes off. You can read more in this article right here link.

The Pomodoro Technique is great for avoiding procrastination as it forces you to work without distractions. Since the work time only lasts 25 minutes before taking a break, it's not overwhelming, making it harder to rationalize procrastination.

That's all about this article, see you in my next article.


Posted on Aug 29, 2022 by:
Profile image for Arinze Calistus
Arinze Calistus
Front-end Developer | tech Blogger


Profile image for Arinze Calistus

Front-end Developer | tech Blogger
