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MySQL- The Perfect Tool For Your Websites and Web Applications

Profile image for Mel Koti
Mel Koti Frontend Developer
Jan 21, 2022 ‧ 3 min read

MySQL is a powerful, open-source database management system that has been around for almost 30 years. It's been used by everyone from small businesses to the CIA, and it might just be the perfect tool for your next DIY project. With MySQL, you can create dynamic websites without having to rely on pesky third-party software like Dreamweaver or WordPress. 

 What Is MySQL? 

MySQL is an open-source database management system and a web server. It provides a platform for creating web applications and websites. 

Its relational model, which consists of a number of key features, makes it different from other database management systems such as Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. 

My SQL is an open-source software application that provides multi-user access to a shared database. It was created by Monty Widenius and David Axmark in 1995 and released under the GNU General Public License. 

In MySQL, each user has their own copy of the data so they can modify what they need but cannot see the data of other users or the whole database at once. The data is stored in tables that are organized sequentially within each MySQL instance (computer). 

  This provides many things, which are as follows: 

  • It allows us to implement database operations on tables, rows, columns, and indexes. 
  • It defines the database relationship in the form of tables (collection of rows and columns), also known as relations. 
  • It provides the Referential Integrity between rows or columns of various tables. 
  • It allows us to update the table indexes automatically. 
  • It uses many SQL queries and combines useful information from multiple tables for the end-users. 

 How does MySQL Works? 

  • MySQL creates a database that allows you to build many tables to store and manipulate data and define the relationship between each table. 
  • Clients make requests through the GUI screen or command prompt by using specific SQL expressions on MySQL. 
  • Finally, the server application will respond with the requested expressions and produce the desired result on the client side. 

 MySQL is becoming so popular because of the following reasons: 

  • It is free. 
  • It is a powerful and flexible database. 
  • It has multiple security features. 
  • It also comes with a lot of features like replication, automatic partitioning, and encryption that are not found in other popular databases. 
  • MySQL uses a standard form of the well-known SQL data language. 
  • MySQL is very friendly with PHP, the most popular language for web development. 
  • MySQL supports many operating systems with many languages like PHP, PERL, C, C++, JAVA, etc. 
  • MySQL is customizable because it is an open-source database, and the open-source GPL license facilitates programmers to modify the SQL software according to their own specific environment. 

 MySQL is becoming so popular because of its features, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility. It has been used by both small and large businesses to keep their systems safe from cyberattacks and data theft. This service can also be used in order to prevent any sort of data theft within a company. 

 History of MySQL 

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system and the most popular database server on the Web. 

MySQL was created in 1994 by two students, Michael Widenius and David Axmark at the University of Berkeley. The pair were frustrated with existing databases like Oracle. They wanted something that was more flexible, easy to use, and had better performance. 

In 1995, MySQL was released as freeware and made its way onto popular websites like Yahoo! 1996. In 2000, MySQL became a commercial product before it was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 2008. 

The history of MySQL demonstrates how an idea can turn into a successful company with a long lifespan. 

Posted on Jan 21, 2022 by:
Profile image for Mel Koti
Mel Koti
Frontend Developer


Profile image for Mel Koti

Frontend Developer
