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How Frameworks work in a programming languages

Profile image for Ryan Dudley
Ryan Dudley Software engineer
Jan 23, 2022 ‧ 4 min read

A website framework also called a web framework or web application framework is a software framework used for the development of websites. Most web frameworks implement the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern and usually include other common design patterns like the Model-View-Presenter and the Presentation-Abstraction-Control. The best-known frameworks are Ruby on Rails, Django, and ASP.NET.  

The framework is a term that refers to the structure of any software or other program that can be reused and that has open-ended functionality, similar to a blueprint. The term was first used by Ken Arnold in his book Designing Data-Intensive Applications (Prentice-Hall, 1998., and is now widely used in the software industry. 

In the software industry, a framework is a collection of reusable pieces of code. In web development, a framework helps developers avoid the pain of learning new programming languages and tools. For example, the WordPress framework is what allows WordPress to be such a powerful tool for website creation. There are hundreds of WordPress plugins and thousands of themes available for you to choose from. However, knowing which one to select can be difficult. 

How do web developers use Frameworks? 

Developers' work gets easier with the help of frameworks. Frameworks have a standardized set of design tools that helps in developing a code. Most of the code development has several frameworks. They help in structuring the code, aligning different functions in a place. Once, a framework is placed in a code, the developer need not worry about redoing the code. So, the developer can save a lot of time.  

What languages have frameworks 

Well, in programming languages we have front-end development and back-end development. The frameworks are used in both layers. But, the deployment of frameworks is independent according to the layer and development requirement. Some of the famous programming languages are Python, Java, C# in the back-end domain. Whereas, Javascript, CSS, and HTML are front-end development fields. However, in each different field, we have a different set of tasks conducted on the program. As a result, the professional developers create re-structured frameworks and publish them to use. Hence, beginners or existing developers can use them.  

So, let's understand some of the famous frameworks in both fields. 

Django in Python: Django is an open-source web framework that makes it easy to build your next web application. Django comes with tons of features that speed up development and make your job as a programmer easier. But most importantly, Django is free.  

It is used for the development of large-scale web applications, with a focus on rapid development and a clean, pragmatic API. It is intended as an alternative to other web frameworks such as Rails and Pyramid. 

In order to understand the Django framework, we need to understand its architecture. 

Django framework performs specific architecture that combines model, view, and controller. The model explains how to connect users to the website and store their data. View explains how to manage links between one webpage to another webpage. Whereas, Controller manages every part of the work from model and view.  

React JS in JavaScript: React js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It makes your UI declarative by using a component-based approach. It can be used for large applications, but also small projects like demos. React JS uses a virtual DOM, so it's very fast and doesn't need to refresh the entire page on every change. 

It lets you describe a tree of components in terms of data flow and event handling. It's based on two other libraries: Facebook's Flux architecture and John Resig's Javascript library, jQuery. 

 Unlike Django, React JS does not consider as an architecture. It is a library for building composable user interfaces. It helps in creating UI components on data that change over time. If we use JSX (an extension of JavaScript) we can have the full power of javascript and we can use them to alter the UI components with it.  

A framework is a set of steps or rules, designed to help you with a specific task. You can use a framework for any task. For example, when you are creating a new piece of software, you use a framework. It will make it much easier for you to create your software. You could also use a framework for the content of your video. If you're making a video about the power of WordPress, you would use a framework for how to use the WordPress plugin. This way, you can follow the same framework each time and make your videos consistently great. 

Posted on Jan 23, 2022 by:
Profile image for Ryan Dudley
Ryan Dudley
Software engineer


Profile image for Ryan Dudley

Software engineer
