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Find Exposed & Risky S3 Buckets Fast!

Profile image for amoranio
amoranio Senior Security Engineer
Jan 15, 2023 ‧ 1 min read
Series (2 Parts): AWS


S3 buckets are often attacked and are a common cause of data loss. Scanning and reducing exposure are key to ensuring data integrity and security.

The What

This tool will help you scan all S3 buckets quickly and identify the riskiest for review via Powershell CLI.


How to install is laid out within the AWS documentation here: How to install

Once done, you will need the following modules:

Install-AWSToolsModule AWS.Tools.S3

The script also works based on “profiles”. This is laid out in the documentation link above. Once you have these profiles, you can run this script.


Once you are up and running, download the script from GitHub here…

Run the script, and enter the chosen profile:

Once entered, it will scan through S3 Buckets and find those exposed to the Public (ignoring configuration for now).

With this list, it will scan for common configurations to highlight any that may need to be reviewed. It will also include those it couldn’t scan, so nothing is missed.

Posted on Jan 15, 2023 by:
Profile image for amoranio
Senior Security Engineer
PowerShell AWS Azure Python bash


Profile image for amoranio

Senior Security Engineer

PowerShell AWS Azure Python bash