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5 Types of Google Ads & How to Use Them For Sales

Profile image for Vijay Singh Khatri
Vijay Singh Khatri A Technical SEO Consultant and Residing in India
Dec 21, 2022 ‧ 6 min read
Series (1 Parts): Digital Marketing

With Google being the world’s most popular search engine, most businesses opt for Google Ads to promote their brands and reach out to a wide range of audiences. Google Ads has been one of the most effective platforms for businesses to drive traffic to their websites and boost their sales. It is trusted by more than 80% of businesses across the globe for pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. 

However, simply leading an ad campaign on Google Ads is not enough. What is important is to determine what type of Google Ads is perfect for your business. And choosing the right type of ad can be pretty tough. 

There are many types of Google Ads, as follows: 

  1. Search: These are text ads that you see on Google search results.
  2. Display: They are image ads on emails or websites.
  3. Video: They are video ads that feature on YouTube.
  4. Shopping: They are types of ads that list your products on Google.
  5. App: This type of ad refers to promoting applications on different channels.
  6. Smart: Smart ads are automated ads across the web, including Google.
  7. Local: This type of ad intends to drive local customers to a physical location.
  8. Discovery: These ads run across Google’s feeds.

Now, might have a brief idea of what different types of Google Ads are there. 

In this blog post, we shall discuss 5 major types of Google Ads: Search, Display, Video, Shopping, and App, and how to use them for sales. 

5 Types of Google Ads & How to Use Them For Sales

Let us now explore some major types of Google Ads ad how to use them to drive more traffic and increase conversions. 

Search Ads

Search ads are text ads that you can see on the Google search engine page results. Generally, they appear at the top or bottom of the organic search results. 

The following screenshot will help you know what a search ad looks like: 

Whenever users search for a product or service, relevant search ads appear in the search results. These search ads are targeted based on several factors, including landing pages, a website’s content, and users’ history or data. 

Google provides search results that are closely related to users’ queries. Hence, it is important to use the keywords that users generally use to search for products or services. 

For instance, consider you sell dog food online on your Shopify store. You can use the target keyword as ‘dog food at a low price.’ More users are likely to get attracted to your website and may convert into customers.

Best Practices

  1. The ad copy should be compelling and appealing.
  2. Target your competitor’s branded terms.
  3. Create dynamic and responsive search ads.

Display Ads

They are image-based ads that help you reach out to relevant audiences through visually appealing ads. These ads appear inside websites, applications, and Google-owned properties, like YouTube, with the primary intent of marketing. In addition, they may also appear on Gmail accounts. 

Here, the target audiences are those who may be interested in your products but not thinking of buying them at that moment in time. 

The following image will help you understand what exactly a display ad is: 

You can use display ads to introduce your products or services to interested audiences. Through this type of ad, you are more likely to reach to out to target audiences than search-based ads.  

Best Practices

  1. Create responsive display ads.
  2. Avoid mixing new audiences with remarketing ones.
  3. Reach out to people similar to high-value visitors.

Video Ads

YouTube has 2 billion users across the world and is a Google product that also acts as a search engine. Hence, you can find a wide range of audiences on YouTube to promote your brand. You can target the audience based on what videos they see. 

While watching a YouTube video, you might have across various ads, either at the beginning, during, or end of the video. This is where YouTube ad campaigns are placed. 

The following screenshot shows an example of YouTube ad campaign: 

YouTube provides users with the ability to skip ads after five seconds. So, it entirely depends on users either to watch the ad or skip it to watch the intended video. 

Moreover, with YouTube Ads, you can leverage demographics and target ads to users based on age, gender, and interest. 

Best Practices

  1. Keep your ads short.
  2. Create narrow audiences.
  3. Be very clear with your message.
  4. Leverage advanced campaign settings.

Shopping Ads

They are ads based on products. When you search for any product, let us say mobile phones, you first see the Google list, as shown in the image below: 

Shopping Ads generally show a product’s image, title, store name, price, and rating. So, buyers get a clear picture of the product even before they visit a website. 

Best Practices

  1. Make sure to incorporate keywords in product descriptions.
  2. Be sure and double-check the product information.
  3. Use images of high quality so that buyers get attracted.

App Ads

As you know, Google has a wide range of products. You can promote your business application by leading campaigns across various Google products, including YouTube, Google Play Store, Search, and Google Display Network. 

The best part about app ads is that you don’t have to create any separate campaign; instead, you get it automatically designed. Simply you need to provide a budget, some text, a starting bid, some languages, and the location. Google Ads will grasp this information and create a campaign for you. 

Best Practices

  1. Allow Google to optimize your ads.
  2. Upload diverse assets.


Now, you know some popular types of Google Ads. Before choosing any type of ad, make sure to figure out what you want to accomplish. For instance, if your aim is Sales, search ads or shopping ads are go-to options. For brand awareness, go with display ads or video ads. 

When you choose the right type of ad campaign, you will surely reach out to the right audiences and boost your conversion rate. 

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Posted on Dec 21, 2022 by:
Profile image for Vijay Singh Khatri
Vijay Singh Khatri
A Technical SEO Consultant and Residing in India
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Profile image for Vijay Singh Khatri

A Technical SEO Consultant and Residing in India

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